This unique band got their name from a Japanese science fiction movie titled “The Mysterians.” Their lead singer, dubbed “?” or “Question Mark,” is known for his eccentric behavior which helped first establish the group in the United States. To name a few quirks, Question Mark claims to be a Martian raised by dinosaurs in a past life, and is known to never be seen in public without sunglasses.
Unfortunately, ? and the Mysterians encountered a few setbacks in their musical career, including several members enlisting in the army for the Vietnam War and a former drummer suffering from muscular dystrophy. Still, they were able to breakthrough and record “96 Tears,” their most successful single that reached #1 in the Billboard 100 and went on to sell over one million copies. Their subsequent singles included “I Need Somebody,” “Can’t Get Enough of You Baby,” “Girl, You Captivate Me,” and “Do Something to Me.” Over forty years later, they are still touring with sold-out shows and die-hard fans.
It’s no mystery that this band is one of the greatest ‘garage bands’ in rock and roll history. Be sure to check out their exciting performance at James Park on June 25th from 7:30-9:00 PM, and bring all of your friends and family because this show, as always, is FREE!
This is Kristina signing out…