Friday, May 15, 2009

JASC Tsukasa Taiko drums the legacy at this summer's Ethnic Arts Festival

I hope you’re as excited as I am to experience culture at its finest at this year’s Ethnic Arts Festival. Aside from over 100 artist vendors, we’ll be providing you with fantastic entertainment throughout the weekend. Something new we’re bringing this year is a unique performance from the JASC Youth Taiko Ensemble, the leading Japanese drumming ensemble in the Midwest.

Taiko, meaning “drum,” is known for its thunderous sound and stunning, stylized choreography. The kumi-daiko style, which JASC Tsukasa Taiko mainly performs, was established in the mid 20th-century and comprises of an ensemble solely of drums. JASC’s ensemble also incorporates unique instruments like the shamisen (three-stringed lute) and the shinobue (transverse bamboo flute) into their performance. These instruments have a strong presence not only in Taiko, but also in Kabuki theater music and matsuri festival music.

With internationally renowned instructors and performing artists, JASC Tsukasa Taiko strives to preserve their cultural traditions by providing the highest quality music instruction to people of all ages, by presenting world-class performances and educational programs, and by being an active presence in their community. We are very fortunate to have such a talented and dedicated group join the entertainment bill for this year’s Ethnic Arts Festival. Stay tuned for what day and time they’ll be performing!

This is Kristina signing out…

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